
Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden

Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden, home to over 2500 rhododendrons, azaleas, and companion plants, is located in SE Portland, just west of Reed College. Spring is the perfect time to visit, to witness the blooming rhododendrons and goslings.

Rhododendrons Buds 

Rhododendrons Flowers


Mallard Duck

All Ducks (and Geese) in a Row.


Tulip Fest

For over a quarter of century Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm has been holding its Tulip Fest every Spring. The 40 acres of tulips and daffodils are a delight to view and photograph.

Tulips as far you can see


Portland Night Panorama

Move mouse over picture for effect
Portland at Night between Hawthorne and Morrison Bridge (click to enlarge and maximize browser size)


You Looking at Me?

If you ever find yourself in the great State of Montana (yes Glacier National Park is there), look up the National Bison Range Wildlife Refuge about 40 miles south of Flathead Lake to chance an eye to eye encounter with a bison. Very exhilarating.


Pink Beauty

Cherry blossoms blooming at Portland's Waterfront Park. Viewed from the Japanese Memorial with the Steel Bridge on the left and the Glass Towers of the Convention Center on the right. Move mouse over picture for alternate view.


Girl with Red Umbrella

Cherry Blossoms in bloom at Waterfront Park, Portland